Friday 23 August 2013

University Is Getting Close!

Well today I was able to access my timetable for my final year at uni!!! Its still rather scary saying that I must admit, I don't really want it all to end ( I guess it wont by my last year at uni if im doing my masters degree but is it really the same?) anyway... I GOT SPACE LAW!!!! :D I also got all my other options as well but Space Law was definitely the one i was wanting the most :D  I'm super excited for this year and im going to make the most of it and have fun and enjoy it! The past two years I have been a nerd and haven't gone out much or anything like that but I will be going out more this year and enjoying my last year!

I also got the date and time to collect my keys for my new house today too! A week today and I can move in! I cant wait to be back and have my freedom again (living at home does have its perks but I do love my independence!) and do what I want :]

Its been an exciting day and a bit stressful too, I spent around 2 hours this morning after getting my timetable trying to work out when I will be able to do my uni work (which obviously takes priority!), when I can go to my paid job, and when ill be able to see my boyfriend and friends! Its been crazy especially trying to work around when other people are free as well because lets face it we all still want to have a social life alongside university! I think I managed to get a good compromise though! (Fingers Crossed!!)

But yes! SUPER EXCITED! Cant believe how quickly everything has came around and I haven't even started packing yet!!

Best get to it!

Karina :]

Thursday 15 August 2013

My first published article!!

So I told you all about my internship to write for a legal blog for a few months and today my first article was published!!!!
It may not seem like a big deal to many people but to me it means A LOT and im so proud of myself! I cant wait to write more articles for the blog over the next few months and cant wait to sink my teeth into areas of law that I've not researched/looked at before :D
The first article is a film review of a legal themed film called "Let Him Have It" if you haven't seen it then you must! Its brilliant! But you can read my full review here (Que shameless self promotion hehe ;) )

Also just a NB it comes up as guest contributor because my account for the site isn't fully set up but its still me :P

Also today was A level results day, so lots of people were tweeting and posting on facebook about their results and their acceptances to universities - it was lovely to see so many people excited to come to Sunderland university and I even managed to speak to a few Law freshers :) I cant believe its 2 years ago since I was in that situation! It's flown over so quickly but it has been the best 2 years of my life :)

Anyway...I have a few other ideas for articles lined up and cant wait to get started on them! So I must dash!

Bye! :)

Monday 5 August 2013

Summer and the world of work!

So its been a while since I posted my first post (around 2 months!) and im sad to say that not much has really happened professionally in my life since then. I've been on the hunt for a job since I came home and have had no luck...until this week! This week I have had 2 calls for interviews and 1 for a short term internship! Woo! Only the internship is law related (and I'm super excited about it!!) but I think that having a part time job that isn't related to your college/uni course is good as it gives you a break from studying/learning the same subject and skills and gives you more/different skills to develop.

The first interview was an online interview, which was rather strange, it was for a self employed position in call center but working from home (yeah sounds strange doesn't it!). I was emailed a website link with all the time details and passwords to access the "meeting". Through the interview we viewed a presentation and a young woman discussing the "ins and outs" of the job and what we would be expected to do in the role, then at the end the lady asked us all individually if we had any questions, what experience we had and how many hours we wanted to work a week. I think it went well even though it was my first "online" interview and I received an email the next day inviting me for training for the job. This seemed like a fantastic job but as we were going through the presentation I realised that I didn't think it would be something I could do, so I politely declined the offer of training and continued my job search!

My second interview was a face to face interview, and although i prefer these to the online one it still scared the heeby jeebies out of me! It was a group interview and I think it went well, i got on well with the staff that were interviewing us all and the interviewee's and I came out of the shop proud of myself and feeling confident!

Now for the internship, this was a skype interview with the chief editor the day after my face to face interview. After having spoken to the editor over emails a few times and getting to know her a little bit (She likes Doctor Who so we got on really well!!! :D ) we had a voice call to iron out a few things with the samples I had sent over a few days previously and to go over the details of the internship and that was that :D  I GOT THE INTERNSHIP!!!!!

Sooooo...... on Sunday just gone it was my birthday (4th August) and on my way to the cinema with my boyfriend I got a call...... I had been offered the job from my face-to-face interview!!! I GOT THE JOB!!!

So in the space of a week I have gone from being an unemployed student with no legal articles under my belt to having a job and having 2 months worth of legal articles to write for a legal blog :D So don't give up, and take every opportunity you can, you never know where it might lead and any experience is good experience