Monday 29 February 2016

Observation No.2

Well I'm back!

Geeze two posts in a matter of a few days ain't you folks lucky!! ;)

So updates! I left my last post discussing my teacher training and the fact I had an observation the following day well I guess that's as good as any place to start!

So my observation went really REALLY well: the group were fantastic as always and I was really impressed with their knowledge and the way they took to the tasks i set them and my observer thought the same too! I won't beat about the bush my last observation wasn't the best, it was my first formal observation though so I didn't expect it to all go smoothly or to get a good grade however I took away the feedback and worked on it for this one and it worked! My observer recognised that I'd worked on the feedback from the last one and said it was a great improvement! There are as always more things I can do but my grade was much higher than previously and I was (and still am!) over the moon!

So I've now managed to get 2 formal university observations done and I've cracked 3 mentor observations too! We have to have 4 of each through-out the course and the university observations are done by - you guessed it, university observers! Our mentor observations can be done by any member of teaching staff at our placement but it is usually the teacher/tutor we are working with the most :)

After a rather busy Saturday  helping a friend move house and relaxing with them Sunday was spent doing nothing much at all - movie and tv day before the week began again!

Which brings us to today, Monday!
Today's been okay... I've been at uni most of the day and we're currently working through presentations on how we incorporate either English and Maths, Diversity and Technology into our subjects. We've each got one topic and must present it to the whole class. It links in with 3 of our tasks for assessment on how we incorporate each of those areas into our teaching. There have been some fantastic examples so far! Once home I've spent most of the evening clearing up my teaching file ready for a tutorial with my uni tutor in a few weeks and making sure I have everything in there so far and working on some materials for placement! Tomorrow will be much the same with uni during the day then I'm off to my friends house in the evening :D I have some placement work I need to do before I go over but I'm sure it will be an exciting evening regardless :D

Till next time!
Toodle pip!


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