Thursday 25 September 2014 we've established im not good at this blogging stuff...


So its been over 8 month since I last wrote a blog post, and before that it was October, so yeah I'm not so good at keeping up with blogging - I think its rather difficult to keep going with, much harder than I thought it would be! I see other academic's who are able to find time to blog and think "why cant I find the time?!?" Well I'm going to make a concious effort to now blog more often, hopefully once a week.

Okay so a quick update to bring you up to speed on things from January onwards - to be blunt things went very hectic! So I handed in all of my January assignments, and they came back great! I got 1st's and 2:1's which i was very proud of and it helped kick start the new term in a positive way. Things were very busy and it was a case of getting through everyday as best as you can. The work load is really intense and you have to keep your eye on the ball so you don't fall behind as its easily done - I recommend working on things little and often, my method was to spend AT LEAST 30 minutes on each module an evening, which sounds a lot but really isnt! Days off were spent doing all my prep for the week ahead which allowed for me to spend only 30 minutes each night on my subjects. With 6 subjects spending only 30 minutes on each would be 3 hours a night. (easily accommodated for, if you want to, which is usually the problem!). Anyway after all the January assignments were handed in things eased off and it was just the usual hustle and bustle of lectures and seminars for a few weeks.

In February we had the infamous London trip again which for myself and a lot of my friends was something we had been looking forward to for pretty much the whole year (no joke!). Its always a good trip and is a great way to unwind for a few days and get away from all the university stress - this year it didn't disappoint and was a fantastic final London trip for me!

March and April are a bit of a blur for me as it was just pure stress and panic to make sure all my assignments were completed and also to make sure that my dissertation was complete! These months were a mixture of panic dissertation meetings with my supervisor, copious amounts of tea and very very late nights/earl mornings. I think I'm someone who is always very prepared and usually ahead of the game but it all crumbled as the deadlines hit, as the last set of assignments for your final year and knowing that these modules make up 80% of your final degree it adds a HUGE amount of pressure to you and you become far more critical of your work (or I did at least) and virtually all of my assignments were handed in on the days of the deadlines which I've never done for any previous set of assignments.HOWEVER I've never felt such relief in handing in assignments and its something I will never forget!

May was a mixture of happiness and sadness, we all finished university and no longer had to attend lectures or seminars and had our final Exam, we all decided to hit the local bar after the exam (well we did deserve it!) and celebrate our success over the past three years and chat about what we were all doing next! We also had our graduation ball which again was a fantastic end to the three years, and was a great night of food and drinks with a few tears here and there thrown in. It was lovely seeing everyone dressed up and having a good time and lovely to celebrate with the lecturers also.
Graduation Ball 15th May 2014 - Lumley Castle

June was a big month filled with mostly mundane things like moving back home and figuring out how all of my freshers freebies would fit into my smaller room at home alongside changing work and settling back into living at home again and being miles from anything! However June 26th is a day I will not forget for a long time.....RESULTS DAY! *bites finger nails* results were available from 10am however I was at work until 9am (i worked early shifts ;) ) and my dad was at work all day and didnt want him to miss out on me opening my results, so at 11:50 am when my dad was on his work break I opened up my results and cried my eyes out (to the point I couldn't tell my dad on the end of the phone!) at the top of the screen read "FIRST CLASS WITH HONOURS" - I've never felt so proud in all my life, all my stressing , hard work and dedication had paid off and I couldn't believe it. I owe my lecturers a lot for not only teaching me but also for their support through the three years and it wouldn't have been possible without their help. I'm still don't fully believe that I have a first class Law degree but I do!!  
July was all about one thing.... GRADUATION!!! What an amazing day it was too! Celebrating all my friends success and my own and have my 3 seconds on the stage (my dad recorded it and it literally was 3 seconds!)  but regardless of the time on stage it was just such a fantastic day and im so proud of all my friends for their achievements. Quite a lot of people i spoke to at graduation were all so happy and quite a lot of us were even a tad emotional - Its definitely that sort of day! The ceremony side of the day flew by and very quickly it was time to head home - Or my parents for head home ;) Quite a few of my friends were going out for drinks afterwards so i decided that i would join them and just get the train home, some of the lecturers came out later on as well and we all had a fantastic evening :)

These two are my rocks: My parents, the most supportive and loving people I could ever wish for.
 Through my three years at university there have been a handful of people that have supported me no end. friends and family helped me through the tough times and kept me going and my degree is not just for myself but also for them. With the right friends and family you can do anything.

August was fairly quiet, it was my 21st birthday and we went on a family holiday which was just what we all needed after the hectic few months we'd all had. Which leads us to September :) September has been all about working - since April I've been working towards saving up for my masters degree, saving every penny I can so I don't have to take out another loan to do what I want to do - September was the final push to get the last little bit I needed towards the fees and I've done it :)

Oh by the way did I mention im staying at Sunderland for my masters degree?  :D 
I'm SO excited to be staying at Sunderland and cant wait to get started back at uni and get into the swing of things again, seeing friends, writing about law and generally being busy! I start my induction on the 7th of October and it cant come sooner!! 

This is a very long post and if you've read it all and made it this far then good on you! and have a lolly pop*, but seriously thank you for reading this i really am going to try and update more often to prevent such long posts in the future! If there is anything that you would like me to cover then let me know in the comments below and I will try my hardest to cover it! If you have any questions or are nervous about starting uni then give me a shout im always happy to help ease nerves about university and dispel those myths as much as I can! 

Toodle pip!

PS. I spent ages trying to sort out the photos and they just wouldn't go right at all :L apologies for that!
*I have no lolly pop's sorry ;) 

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